All posts by: Keith Thomsen

About Keith Thomsen

5 Reasons to Buy a Home This Fall BY BRENDON DESIMONE ON 1 OCT 2018KNOW-HOW The days may be getting shorter, but the list of home-shopping benefits is getting longer. Real estate markets ebb and flow, just like the seasons. The spring market blooms right along with the flowers, but the fall market often dwindles with the leaves […]

Tips to Sell Your Home in the Fall It’s common knowledge that spring is the peak real estate season and the best time of year to sell a house. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t sell (and make a profit) during other times of the year, including the fall. What is the market like for fall real […]

What Kind of Bugs Are in Your House? BY LIDIA RYAN ON 25 SEP 2018YOUR HOME This guide to common household creepers will help you send pests packing — for good. Pests are everywhere, and having a few in your home is pretty much inevitable. But knowledge is power when it comes to critters, says Dr. Nancy Troyano, […]

3 Most Common Reasons for Noisy Water Pipes   What causes noisy water pipes, and when is the noise a problem? Learn the three likeliest causes, solutions, and how an AHS home warranty can save you on repairs. We’ve all heard strange noises (bumps, creaks, clinks, and clanks) in our house at night. Most of […]

Before you get overwhelmed by clutter, take a cue from the organization pros. We professional organizers have many secret tools and tips. And when our clients pay close attention and ask us questions, they obtain the magical key to unlock their clutter dilemma. But more often than not, amateur organizers often set out with the best of […]